Montag, 27. März 2006
Genius Loci
Zwei nette Seiten entdeckt, die sich mit dem Phänomen des Genius Loci auseinandersetzen:

Genius Loci - Der Geist des Ortes

Genius Loci (Genius und Daimon) - eher philologisch ausgerichtet

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"Best ever map of the early universe revealed"
The universe went through a traumatic growth spurt before it was a billionth of a billionth of a second old, according to the latest data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP).

The probe has also given physicists their first clues about what drove that frantic expansion, and revealed that the cosmic "dark age" before the first stars switched on was twice as long as previously thought.

On Thursday, the WMAP team revealed the best map ever drawn of microwaves from the early universe, showing variations in the brightness of radiation from primordial matter. The pattern of these variations fits the predictions of a physical theory called inflation, which suggests that during the first split second of existence the universe expanded incredibly fast.

Artikel im New Scientist.

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